BSVA – Studio Legale Associato

Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Corruption and Transparent Administration

BSVA offers its clients assistance and legal advice on anti-money laundering prevention. The Firm advises different categories of recipients, also by participating in consultation processes at national and international level.

BSVA advises its clients on prevention and repression of corruption and illegality in the Public Administration (Law 190/2012), Transparency in the Public Administration (Legislative Decree 33/2013), Public Register (Legislative Decree 69/2009) and Civic Access. The consultancy offered to Public Administrations ranges from problems relating to the publication of acts and documents in the “Transparent Administration” and “Praetorian Register” sections of institutional websites, to the management of Civic Access, preparation of three-years anti-corruption plans and criminal defence of those involved.

BSVA also provides classroom training courses for political bodies, managers and employees of the Public Administration.

Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Corruption and Transparent Administration

BSVA offers its clients assistance and legal advice on anti-money laundering prevention. The Firm advises different categories of recipients, also by participating in consultation processes at national and international level.

BSVA advises its clients on prevention and repression of corruption and illegality in the Public Administration (Law 190/2012), Transparency in the Public Administration (Legislative Decree 33/2013), Public Register (Legislative Decree 69/2009) and Civic Access. The consultancy offered to Public Administrations ranges from problems relating to the publication of acts and documents in the “Transparent Administration” and “Praetorian Register” sections of institutional websites, to the management of Civic Access, preparation of three-years anti-corruption plans and criminal defence of those involved.

BSVA also provides classroom training courses for political bodies, managers and employees of the Public Administration.