BSVA – Studio Legale Associato

Policy for the Processing of Personal Data of Web Users
(“Cookie Policy”)

The purpose of this Cookie Policy is to inform Web Users pursuant to Article 13 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council dated April 27, 2016/679 (the “GDPR”).

Data controller. BSVA Studio Legale Associato (“BSVA”) is the controller of the website (“Website”) in person of its legal representative, Avv. Francesco Senaldi, domiciled in Varese at via Marcobi n. 8/10. The Milan and Varese offices can be reached by e-mail at: and

The infrastructure of the Website does not extend to third-party websites accessible through a hyperlink.

BSVA does not store data on identified or identifiable individuals through its Website and does not use profiling cookies.

Web Users are encouraged to review this Cookie Policy, which will be updated periodically as indicated infra at paragraph: “Amendments to this Policy”.

Types of cookies. Cookies are small text files that websites use to store and collect information through Web Users browser to improve the quality of the site. Cookies can be of different types:

Technical. Technical cookies allow to optimize the functioning of the websites. Users can disable them from their browser options with the warning that the services normally offered by the site may be partially or totally inaccessible.

Analytical. Analytical cookies are similar to technical cookies if they are used directly by the site operator to collect information in aggregated form on the number of users and pages accessed. Therefore, they anonymously collect information about users’ browsing and allow to calculate and improve the performance of the website. Analytical cookies are distinguished into first-party cookies (installed directly on the site you are visiting) and third-party cookies (made available by third parties).

Profiling. Profiling cookies are used to trace back identified or identifiable individuals, specific recurring actions or behavioral patterns in the use of features to send targeted advertising messages i.e., in line with the preferences expressed by the user in the context of its navigation.

Browsing data and cookies. The computer systems and software procedures that enable the operation of the Website acquire, in the course of their normal operation, personal data and its communications is implied in the use of Internet communication protocols. This category of data includes IP addresses, domain names of computers and terminals used by users, URL/URL addresses of requested resources, website users’ computer environment, etc.

Browsing data are necessary to be able to navigate the Website and are processed in order to obtain aggregate and anonymous statistical information on the use of the services in order to understand the pages of greatest interest, number of visitors, geographical areas of origin, etc.

Web Users’ data are not stored on BSVA’s servers but on users’ terminal.

Web Users’ may change their cookie settings. Several browsers allow to set a “do not track” preference that allows visitors not to be tracked by websites.

BSVA uses Matomo On-Premise for aggregated and anonymous statistics on the use of its Website. This allows the Firm to optimize the operation of the Website by deleting the least-read pages and/or for updating purposes.

BSVA uses the server of its Website provider 3W Srl, located at 15b Carso Street, 13900 Biella (“Web Provider”). The Web Provider contact information is: e-mail:, telephone +39 015 8976350 and website

The Web Provider multi-tenancy server is based in Europe.

For more information about Matomo On-Premise cookies, please refer to Matomo’s Cookie Policy (

Cookies used by BSVA.
Cookie Name Provider Purpose Storage
MATOMO_SESSID Matomo On-Premise Anonymous and aggregated statistics on user accesses 3 months

Recipients. Recipients of the collected data are BSVA and the Web Provider.

Social media. BSVA uses Linkedin to share topics of general interest within the legal industry, to relay content, comments and posts. Using Linkedin allows the Firm to locate followers and their specific areas of expertise.

Users are encouraged to review Linkedin’s Cookie and Privacy policies posted at

Exercise of rights. If data subjects believe that the processing of personal data relating to them – carried out through the Website – is in violation of the provisions of the GDPR, they have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority, as provided by Article 77, or to take appropriate legal action under Article 79 of the GDPR.

Amendments to this Policy. This Cookie Policy may be subject to changes and/or integrations. It was last updated on June 1, 2024.